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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2010Byzantine influences on Early Ottoman Architecture of GreeceAmeen Fatouh, Ahmed
2006Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel aus KarthagoΖωγραφόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος Ι.
2020Catastrophes d' Asie mineure, au delà du désastre: aspect d’ une crise humanitaire, 1910-1930Σαμαλτάνος, Ανδρέας-Νικόλαος Χ.
1980Cauzele si premisele izbucnirii revolutiei grecesti din 1821 in Principatele RomaneΧατζόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος Κ.
2007La céramique commune en Grèce centrale au début de l’Âge du Fer (ca. 1100-675 avant J.-C.): typologies, production, circulation, consommationGros, Jean-Sebastien
2020Chipped stone industries from western Macedonia, Greece: the case of the Neolithic lakeside settlement Anarghiri IXbΠαπαδοπούλου, Στυλιανή Λ.
2024The city of Patras and the relation with two other great cities colonized by Augustus, Nikopoli and Butrint: an archaeometrical approach and study of local and regional ceramic production and distributionΚουγιά, Νικούλα Ι. 
2023Comparative economies: patterns of trade and communication in Byzantium: 641 - 741, 1025 - 1095Χασάπογλου, Στέφανος Δ.
2017A comparative investigation of irrigation techniques in the achaemenid heartland (Fars) and in Greece in the 6th - 4th centuries B.C.E.Shobairi, Seyedabazar S.
2020Comparative stature analysis in Greece from Prehistory to late antiquity: diachronic trends and methodological issuesΚούκλη, Μαριάννα Ε.
2008Configurations of the symbolism of the bull in early Late Bronze age Crete.: a case study in the Interpretation of Minoan religionΣίκλα, Ευαγγελία Φ.
1981Conscience et idéologie de la nation chez les Grecs: 1850-1909Μάππα, Σοφία
2008The constructions of masculinity in the Argonautika of Apollonios of RhodesΒασιλάκης, Θωμάς Α.
2013Cooking, space and the formation of social identities in neolithic Northern Greece: evidence of thermal structures assemblages from Avgi and Dispilio in KastoriaΚαλογηροπούλου, Ευανθία Δ.
1987Le corps des officiers et sa place dans la societe Grecque, 1821-1974Γεροζήσης, Τριαντάφυλλος
2017Creative disability classification systems: the case of Greece, 1990-2015Παυλή, Αντωνία Ι.
2017The cretan conflict 1866-1869: competing and complementary ideologies through the prism of the greek and ottoman pressΚούβαρος, Μιχαήλ Δ.
2017A cross-cultural analysis of curatorial practices: byzantine exhibitionary complexes in three European national museumsΜάλη, Σοφία Θ.
2015Damage assessement and rehabilitation of historic traditional structuresAbdelmegeed, Mohamed M.
2017De la fabrication à la fonction des figurines néolithiques de la ThessalieΦασούλας, Αργύρης Ι.