Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2017 | Nanotherapeutic approaches to epithelial cancers | Ματθαίου, Ευθυμία-Ηλιάνα Δ. |  |
2016 | New hybrid functional materials based on carbon: synthesis, characterization and study of properties | Ζυγούρη, Παναγιώτα Δ. |  |
2013 | Non-linear micro/nanolithography with short-pulse lasers: applications on biomaterials and biosensors | Τερζάκη, Κωνσταντίνα Ν. |  |
2024 | Novel nanoelectronic circuits and systems | Ράλλης, Κωνσταντίνος Χ. | |
2014 | Novel quantum dot and nano-entity photonic structures | Βασιλειάδης, Μιλτιάδης Η. |  |
2017 | Numerical & theoretical study of the static response of coated microbubbles subject to uniform and distributed load: application on the estimation of the shell elastic properties | Λύτρα, Αλκμήνη Δ. |  |
2023 | On topological properties of materials: topological insulators, Weyl and Dirac semimetals | Φράγκος, Σωτήριος Α. |  |
2021 | Optical and electrical properties of functional materials at the nanoscale | Γαβριήλ, Βασίλειος Ε. |  |
2023 | Optical and electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenides on pre-patterned surfaces | Κουρμουλάκης, Γεώργιος Ν. |  |
2024 | Optimization of nanomaterials for energy applications with simulation and machine learning | Στεφάνου, Αντώνιος-Δημήτριος Ι. | |
2017 | Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of silicon thin films and materials characterization | Αλεξίου, Ιωάννης Κ. |  |
2019 | Polymer dynamics in nanohybrid materials: effects of the polymer architecture and the additive geometry | Ανδρουλάκη, Κρυσταλένια Ι. |  |
2019 | Polymer matrix composite nanodielectrics as compact capacitive energy storage systems | Μανίκα, Γεωργία Χ. |  |
2017 | Polymer structure and dynamics under confinement | Παπανάνου, Ελένη Κ. |  |
2015 | Pre-osteoblastic cell response on porous ceramic biomaterials and nanoparticles for bone regeneration | Χατζηχαραλάμπους, Χρυσταλλένη Α. |  |
2015 | Preparation and characterization of advanced nonohybrid materials with the use of nanoparticles and triblock terpolymer matrices | Ζάψας, Γεώργιος Χ. |  |
2022 | Printable gas sensors based on transition metal vanadate nanostructures | Μοσχογιαννάκη, Μαριλένα Μ. |  |
2022 | Production and characterization of graphene-based polymer nanolaminates | Παύλου, Χρήστος Ν. |  |
2024 | Production of advanced adsorptive materials based on biochar | Ρεγκούζας, Παναγιώτης Α. | |
2022 | Production of graphene sheets with chemical vapour deposition by solid and liquid catalytic routes | Τσάκωνας, Χρήστος Γ. |  |