Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2018 | Aerodynamic efficiency and performance enhancement of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles using novel configurations and techniques | Παναγιώτου, Περικλής Α. | |
2010 | Aerosol nanoparticles synthesis and their application on monolithic reactors for catalytic soot oxidation and solar hydrogen production from water-splitting | Λορέντζου, Σουζάνα Σ. | |
2018 | Airborne pollen patterns along an altitudinal gradient of the Italian Alps: combination of classical pollen identification methods and next generation sequencing on environmental DNA | Λεοντίδου, Κλεοπάτρα Χ. | |
2012 | Airflow and particle deposition in a dry powder inhaler.: a CFD and particle computational approach | Μιλένκοβιτς, Γιόβανα Μ. | |
2012 | Algebraic methods in analysis and synthesis of stabilizing feedback compensators in linear multivariable automatic control systems | Καζαντζίδου, Χριστίνα Κ. | |
2013 | Algorithms for exact solutions to combinatorial optimization problems | Γκεβεζές, Θεόδωρος Π. | |
2005 | All and nothing: white heterosexual masculinity in contemporary popular cinema | Rehling, Nicola | |
2018 | An alternate approach to adaptation: superheroes, branding and media franchise culture | Μαράζη, Αικατερίνη Β. | |
2019 | The american science fiction film in the 21st century: between bodies and worlds | Στεφανοπούλου, Ευδοκία Γ. | |
2022 | Análisis contrastivo del doblado de clíticos en español y en griego moderno | Μάγιερ, Ιωάννα-Εύα Λ. | |
2007 | Analyse des representations langagieres des enfants bilingues issus de l' immigration grecque en France | Μουσούρη, Ευαγγελία Ε. | |
2022 | Analysis and optimization of communications in biomedical systems | Τρευλάκης, Στυλιανός Ε. | |
2021 | Analysis and visualization of learning interactions in collaborative web environments | Μιχαηλίδης, Νικόλαος Π. | |
2020 | Analytical and detailed evaluation of power and energy losses in PV plants aiming at their integration in future ancillary services markets | Μαλαμάκη, Κυριακή-Νεφέλη Δ. | |
2011 | Analytical and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures in the theory of gradient elasticity | Akintayo, Olufemi Taiwo B. | |
2022 | Application development on embedded systems: localization and size estimation of leaks in metallic pipelines | Κουσιόπουλος, Γεώργιος-Παναγιώτης Ν. | |
2017 | Application of solid state physics characterization techniques for the study of vertebrate fossils recovered from excavation sites in Greece | Ζούγρου, Ιωάννα-Μαρία Γ. | |
2022 | Application of statistical methods with emphasis on Machine Learning for the analysis of experimental data from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC at CERN | Καρκανιάς, Ιωάννης Η. | |
2023 | Applications of circuit theory and graph theory on ecological connectivity in dynamically changing landscapes | Πέτσας, Παναγιώτης Ν. | |