Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Media and Communications
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Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
1997Advertising as manipulative discourseΔρόσου, Μαρία
2000Analyse verbale et non verbale de documents authentiques video et traitement didactique: dans le cadre d' une formation de professeurs de FLE en GreceΑργυρούδη, Μαρίνα
2022Antagonistic discourses in Greece at the time of the Movement of the Squares: the case of the Greek television channel MEGAΚαζάκου, Ιωάννα Δ.
2000Apologies in english and greekΣυμεών, Δέσποινα Α.
2019Approche info-communicationnelle de la marchandisation des universités européennes via l'insertion des TICE: le cas français et le cas grecΔημηνίκου, Αικατερίνη Β.
2023Augmented cultural user experience - ΑCUXΚωνσταντάκης, Μάρκος Κ.
2017The construction of the greek crisis in the public sphere: discourses and emotions (pathos) under critical perceptionsΣεραφής, Δημήτριος Σ.
2024Crossover in conflicting youth cultures: the case of heavy metal and punk in the U.K.: visual, lyrical, and musical interactions in the social and political context of the Thatcher era (1979-1990)Ανεσιάδης, Αλέξανδρος-Γεώργιος Α.
2017Digital media in Greece: a cyberconflict approachΦέρρα, Ιωάννα Β.
2024Digital visual documentation and communication of greek maritime heritage: the creation of a thesaurusΓεωργάκη, Ελένη Α.
2012English-Greek news creating narratives: a translation perspectiveΚανικλίδου, Θεμιστοκλεία Π.
2020Exploring current practices and Greek and Spanish academic library stakeholder perceptions towards reconceptualizing in-library use data collection ecosystemΣάντ-Γερονικολού, Σταυρούλα Γ.
2023Extremist group and global journalism: social media campaign and the use of religion from Radical/Extremist Islamic groupsΣελτσούκ, Μουσταφά Α.
2020The Greek political publishing field during the long 1960s, exemplified by the case of Istorikes Ekdoseis, 1963–1981Μάης, Χρίστος Γ.
2023La guerre des images et les images de la guerre: documentaire et art contemporain à l’ère de la nécropolitiqueΝεοφύτου, Ιωάννα Π.
2018Hybridity as challenge in televised election campaign interviewsΚανταρά, Αργυρώ Σ.
2020Information cascades in social networks: propagation modelling and applicationsΛήτου, Ιουλιάνα Θ.
2007Information seeking in an emerging electronic environment: a study of academic computer scientists in british and greek universitiesΣιάτρη, Ουρανία
2021Instagram hashtags as a source of semantic information for Automatic Image AnnotationΓιαννουλάκης, Σταμάτιος Δ.