Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Ψυχολογία και Γνωσιακή Επιστήμη
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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2019Determinants and implications of physical activity in hip and knee osteoarthritis: an integrated approachΚαναβάκη, Μαρία-Αρχόντισσα Γ.
2023Determinants of stereotypic and variable eye-movement patterning: experimental analysis and clinical implicationsΔιάκος, Στέφανος Γ.
2022Developing leadership skills in childrenΚαραγιάννη, Δέσποινα Π.
2023Development and implementation of health education programs through new technologies: healthy diet, smoking, alcohol, doping & aggressive behaviorΑγγέλη, Μαρία Ι.
2024The development, implementation, and effectiveness of a multimodal intervention for childhood attention deficits: integrating iVR-based cognitive training to traditional evidence-based intervention approachesΠαχίτη, Ιουλιανή Θ. 
2023The development of metabolic syndrome in relation to the cognitive-behavioral model: the role of lifestyle factors and psychological disordersΒάσσου, Χριστίνα Δ.
2005Distrust and power in intergroup relations: a social psychological approach to international conflictΝτάνη, Σπυριδούλα Π.
2015...du bist zu höhern dingen geboren. Verkenne dich nicht!: zwischen dichtung und psychoanalyse: von den brüchen im subjekt zur realisation des literarischen textes in Friedrich Hölderlins Hyperion oder der Eremit in GriechenlandΒράιλα, Σταυρούλα-Παρασκευή Γ.
2014The effects of information accessibility and diagnosticity, processing motivation and opportunity, and regulatory orientation on information processingAnagnostidou, Zoi
2021The effects of non-clinical burnout on cognitive functioning: investigating the relationship between non-clinical burnout and cognitive functioning among employeesΚουτσιμανή, Παναγιώτα-Βασιλική Η.
2017Emotional and cognitive processes in the professional development of medical studentsΔουλουγέρη, Καρολίνα-Ιωάννα Π.
2003An exploration of how potential early school leavers and teachers in disadvantaged post primary schools perceive their relationshipsΡήγος, Μάρκος Ε.
2019An exploration of the use of theory and visualisation in behaviour change interventions to help healthcare staff prevent and control healthcare-associated infectionsΤσατταλιός, Κωνσταντίνος Τ.
2023Exploring informal carers' gendered experiences as shaped during the care of older individuals in need of rehabilitationΖυγούρη, Ιωάννα Γ.
2021Exploring the rhythmic abilities of pre-school children: evidence from correlational and priming studiesΔρακουλάκη, Αικατερίνη Κ.
2018Factors defining the identification with sport teams and its consequences on sport fan bahaviorΛιανόπουλος, Ιωάννης Π.
2023Frailty and subjective memory complaints in healthy older individualsΜαργιώτη, Ελένη Σ.
2020From learning to creativity: an EEG, behavioural, and computational investigation in language and musicΖιώγα, Ιωάννα Ν.
2017Fun and positive experiences in the workplace: effects on job burnout, need for recovery and job engagementΓεωργαντά, Αικατερίνη Δ.
2015Greek cyclists on the move: narrating the migration experienceΔιακάκη, Ελένη Α.