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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2023Biochemical and molecular approaches to increase the productivity of bacteria towards desulphurization of petroleum productsΓκλέκας, Παναγιώτης Δ. 
2020Biochemical characterization of the CxxC- and PHD- fingers of the novel oncogene KDM2BΔεικτάκης, Ελευθέριος Ε.
2022Biodiversity distribution patterns along the elevation gradient in Cyprus: a conservation approachΤζυρκαλλή, Έλλη Κ.
2017Biofilm formation, stress responses and virulence genes diversity in Listeria monocytogenesΠοιμενίδου, Σοφία Β.
2020Bioinformatics analysis, management and organization of biological data related to post-translational regulationΒλασταρίδης, Παναγιώτης Ν.
2016Bioinformatics techniques and computational biology modelsΨύχα, Μαρία Μ.
2020Biological and immunological activities of probiotic microorganisms in models of inflammation and cancerΑϊνδελής, Γεώργιος Π.
2013Biostratigraphic and temporal relations between the neogene Sahabi and Maradah formations, Libya: Contribution to the age determination of their contained mammalian paleofaunasMuftah Ai Kowafi, Ahmed M.
2018Biosynthesis and genetic selection of oligopeptides with potentially therapeutic effects against Alzheimer' s disease: inhibitors of amyloid-β aggregationΜάτης, Ηλίας Κ.
2024blaNDM Gram αρνητικά βακτήρια σε ανθρώπους και ζώα στην Κεντρική ΕλλάδαΤσιλιπουνιδάκη, Κατερίνα Γ.
2010Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-7) και μοριακά δίκτυα δυνητικών stem κυττάρων στο νεφρόΤρίγκα, Κωνσταντίνα Κ.
2023Cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern the maturation of the MGE-derived mammalian cortical interneurons and the impact of cortical activity levelsΧριστοδούλου, Ουρανία Α. 
2013Characterisation of a second actin gene: analysing its function in the plasmodium berghei mosquito midgut stagesMorgan, Rhiannon C.
2004Characterisation of gametophytic mutants affecting pollen function in Arabidopsis thalianaΜιχαηλίδης, Χρήστος Γ.
2016Characterisation of human salivary proteins inhibiting the acid demineralisation of powdered hydroxyapatite substrates and natural enamel surfacesΠεχλιβάνη, Νικολέττα Χ.
1995Characterization of different populations of Artemia spp. (Crustacea, Anostraca)Τριανταφυλλίδης, Γεώργιος Β.
2022Characterization of insecticide resistance mechanisms of the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) and its interactions with symbiotic bacteria of the species Candidatus Erwinia dacicolaΚοΐδου, Βενετία Π.
2014Characterization of novel molecular pathways that involve TNF receptor family membersΜηλιαρά, Σοφία Γ.
2013Characterization of the molecular functions of the transcription factor GATA-1 in hematopoiesisΚαρκούλια, Ελένη Β.
2023Chemical and epigenetic regulation of macrophage activation and metabolismΔασκαλάκη, Μαρία Γ.