Tracking changes in protection of greek key biodiversity areas
This decade holds a particularly crucial role for the future of biodiversity, with aspirational conservation commitments now having to deal with global health and geo-political disruption. The biodiversity crisis is widely acknowledged: according to the IUCN Red List 38,500 species (28% of those assessed) are threatened with extinction, with predictions of up to 1 million species at risk in total. Protected areas are the most important tool to safeguard the diversity of life on the planet. They now cover 16.6% of land and inland waters and 7.7% of coastal and marine areas globally. However, it has been shown that sites designated in the last decade are often poorly located and do not capture the most important aspects of biodiversity, e.g. endemic and threatened species. This because they mainly focus on achieving the percentage coverage targets set by global environmental goals, rather than on protecting the areas of particular importance for biodiversity.The Convention on Biological ...
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