Acceleration of electrons to relativistic velocities using an ultra-intense laser
The main subject of this PhD dissertation is the development, study, and optimization of a relativistic electron accelerator, generated by the interaction of an ultra-intense laser pulse with a gas medium. The extremely large electric fields of such laser pulses, which exceed the TV/m scale, convert the gas medium into plasma and excite electronic bubble-shaped plasma waves at the rear end of the laser pulse, which propagate along with it. The value of the electric fields inside the plasma bubbles is of the order of hundreds of GV/m. Thus, electrons from the plasma background can be injected inside the plasma bubbles, and be accelerated, much like a surfer riding a sea wave, to relativistic velocities. The process is termed laser wakefield acceleration, and it is concluded within a distance of a few millimeters. In this work, electron beams accelerated to relativistic kinetic energies of the order of 100 MeV are typically generated.The optimization of the relativistic electron accelera ...
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