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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
20233-διάστατη απεικόνιση ιστολογικών δεδομένων στην οπτική μικροσκοπία διερχομένου φωτόςΚουδουνάς, Παντελεήμων Μ.
2022Applications of machine learning and data mining in damage provision and maintenance of operation for Greek railway rolling stockΚαλαθάς, Ηλίας Α.
2023Automatic monitoring of insect fauna at global scales using wireless networks and opto-acoustic sensorsΡηγάκης, Ηρακλής Η.
2024Biological flows under the effect of strong magnetic fields with micropolar theoryΑσλάνη, Κυριακή-Ευαγγελία Σ. 
2024Cutting-edge computational systems and emerging technologies applied to e-government and virtual environmentsΥφαντής, Βασίλειος Α.
2023Development and tuning of automatic control methods for nonlinear systems using computational intelligence techniques with emphasis on the control of unmanned aerial vehiclesΚαπνόπουλος, Αριστοτέλης Σ.
2022Development of a low-cost robotic platform based on the exploitation of action research findings for STEM education and educational roboticsΧατζόπουλος, Αβραάμ Π. 
2023Development of a prototype CMOS digital imaging system for X-ray medical applicationsΛιναρδάτος, Διονύσιος Γ.
2024Development of innovative methods for the preparation of red wine grape extracts and microemulsions enriched in polyphenolic antioxidantsΑλημπαντέ, Αγγελική Η. 
2023Development of optimization and data-driven model predictive control methods using computational intelligence techniques: design and applications with emphasis on the economic operation of engineering systemsΠαπαδημητράκης, Μύρων Ε.
2024Distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and machine learningΣορτ, Ανδρέας-Ρόναλντ Δ.
2023Dose analysis of CT and SPECT medical imaging systems using Monte Carlo techniquesΧατζησάββας, Νικόλαος Ν.
2023Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) via online social communities: effects on businesses and consumers from a geo-social approachΠαπαγεωργίου, Κωνσταντίνος Π. 
2024Federated, multi-agent, deep reinforcement learningΨάλτης, Αθανάσιος Γ.
2022Liquid mondernity as an analytical framework: a study of entrepreneurial intention among business studentsΚουτσογιάννη, Ευαγγελία Α.
2023Mobile augmented reality using fuzzy logic for learners' spatial ability trainingΠαπακώστας, Χρήστος Ζ. 
2023On topological properties of materials: topological insulators, Weyl and Dirac semimetalsΦράγκος, Σωτήριος Α.
2022Optimizing mechanical Computer Aided Design (CAD) learning methodology through intelligent metadata management for a sustainable engineering education: research field: online, distance and hybrid learning for tutoring CAD in mechanical engineeringΚανετάκη, Ζωή Ι.
2023Secure resource management in next generation networks (NGNs)Ξευγένης, Μιχαήλ Γ.
2022Web analytics for libraries, archives and museum: a data-driven strategic information systems planning approachΔρίβας, Ιωάννης Χ.