Social segergation, education and the city: educational strategies of middle classes and spatial inequality in West Attica
This study focuses on the explanation of socio-spatial inequality and exclusion issues in the suburbs of Athens. More specifically it seeks to examine the new forms of segregation and urban inequality that exist in the west suburbs- the working class areas (Acharnai, A. Liosia, Aspropyrgos) in Athens.The spatial concentration of disadvantaged households leads to the question of what the role of local state or neighbourhood in social segregation is. The neighbourhood affects the subsequent options of households, either by providing opportunities for social mobility or by reducing life-chances. A number of initial questions arise. How do mechanisms of social reproduction, such as education, reproduce and reinforce tactics of social segregation? What are the different strategies of middle class social strata and how do their choices empower segregation as, for instance, the residential or educational one? How do the state institutions adopt the same segregation strategies? Does these new ...
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