Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2014 | 3D shape analysis approaches for protein docking and similarity search | Αξενόπουλος, Απόστολος Β. | |
2011 | 3D εικονικά περιβάλλοντα συνεργατικής μάθησης | Κωνσταντινίδης, Ανδρέας Γ. | |
2022 | Abstractions for software testing | Σωτηρόπουλος, Θεόδωρος Δ. | |
2014 | Accelerating stateful network packet processing using graphics hardware | Βασιλειάδης, Γεώργιος Ι. | |
2013 | Access control requirements engineering, modeling and verification in multi-domain grid and cloud computing systems | Γουγλίδης, Αντώνιος Δ. | |
2024 | Achieving total 3D human capture with MocapNETs | Γκαμάζ, Αμμάρ Γ. | |
2004 | Actions theories in temporal databases | Παπαδάκης, Νικόλαος Ι. | |
2023 | Adaptive indexing for interactive visual exploration and analytics | Μαρούλης, Σταύρος Ι. | |
2022 | Adaptive scenarios and tutoring using fuzzy reasoning in an intelligent educational adventure game | Παπαδημητρίου, Σπυρίδων Γ. | |
2014 | Adaptive sinusoidal models for speech with applications in speech modifications and audio analysis | Καφεντζής, Γεώργιος Π. | |
2011 | Adaptive strategies for solving contraint satisfaction problems | Μπαλαφούτης, Αθανάσιος Δ. | |
2021 | Addressing class imbalance in multi-label data | Λίου, Μπίν Γ. | |
2014 | Advance BPEL execution adaptation using QoS parameters and collaborative filtering techniques | Μάργαρης, Διονύσιος Δ. | |
2016 | Advanced beam theories for the analysis of beam structures | Δίκαρος, Ιωάννης Χ. | |
2016 | Advanced GPU - based methods for analysis and processing of biomedical images and general purpose video | Κατσιγιάννης, Στάμος Χ. | |
2022 | Advanced Joins on GPUs | Μπέλλας, Χρήστος Μ. | |
2019 | Advanced machine learning methods for network intrusion detection | Παπαμαρτζιβάνος, Δημήτριος Χ. | |
2023 | Advanced photonic technologies for data centre networks | Χαϊντούτης, Χαρίδημος Α. | |
2018 | Advanced social media exploitation in public policy formulation: methods, tools and evaluations | Ανδρουτσοπούλου, Αγγελική Σ. | |
2016 | Advanced techniques and algorithms to collect, analyze and visualize spatiotemporal data from social media feeds | Λαμπριανίδης, Γεώργιος Λ. | |