Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2020 | Applications of statistical physics theories on research and innovation networks | Αγγέλου, Κωνσταντίνος Δ. |  |
2024 | An arena of angry minds?: uncovering hidden connections: conspiracy theories, populism and democratic support | Παπαϊωάννου, Κωνσταντίνος-Ιάσων Χ. |  |
2001 | Argumentative writing and computers in an EFL environment: the greek paradigm | Αντωνίου, Λήδα Δ. |  |
2006 | {L' } arterite a travers le roman francophone Grec du XXe siecle | Αντωνιάδου, Ολυμπία Γ. |  |
2018 | Artificial intelligence methods for the management of electric vehicles in the smart grid | Ρήγας, Εμμανουήλ Σ. |  |
2013 | Aspects du couple le theatre du XXe siecle | Νούλη, Σμαράγδα Α. |  |
2019 | Aspects of metric affine gravity with torsion and non - metricity | Ιωσηφίδης, Δαμιανός Ν. |  |
2020 | Aspects of prosodic structure in Greek Sing Language | Βασιλάκη, Κυριακή Π. |  |
2007 | Assessing the decay agents of wall paintings in Al Qurna and Wadi el Natrun regions - Egypt | Moussa, Abu Bakr Mohamed A. |  |
2008 | An assessment of efficiency of crop farming in Bangladesh | Anwar, Md Mazharul Md. R. |  |
2016 | An assessment of explicit and implicit instruction in the context of the interface debate | Λυσίκατος, Δημήτριος Σ. |  |
2024 | Assessment of information truthlikeliness and authenticity | Καρανταΐδης, Γεώργιος Δ. |  |
2022 | Assessment of soil quality indicators using novel Earth observation technologies and computational intelligence methodologies | Τζιόλας, Νικόλαος Β. |  |
2018 | Assessment of technologies to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of modern passenger cars in real - world driving conditions | Τριανταφυλλόπουλος, Γεώργιος Κ. |  |
2023 | Assessment of the level of metacognitive processes in mild cognitive impairment and intervention for their enhancement via a randomized controlled trial | Μπάμπα, Γρηγορία Κ. |  |
2018 | Assessment of the solar energy potential in Greece using ground-based measurements, satellite observations and numerical simulations of radiative transfer models | Κοσμόπουλος, Παναγιώτης-Νεκτάριος Γ. |  |
2024 | Association of SUMF1, IREB2, FKBP5 and GLCCΙ1 gene polymorphisms with clinical phenotype, disease progression, and response to glucocorticoid treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Ντέντη, Χαρίκλεια Α. | |
2020 | Atmospheric dispersion of particles and their chemical and mineralogical analysis in the greater area of Thessaloniki | Κόλλιας, Παναγιώτης Σ. |  |
2016 | Atomic scale structural modelling of technology materials via computational analysis methods | Παυλούδης, Θεόδωρος Κ. |  |
2017 | Attitudes towards english as a lingua franca in greek tertiary educational contexts | Φαλτζή, Ρωξάνη Ι. |  |