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Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2020Applications of statistical physics theories on research and innovation networksΑγγέλου, Κωνσταντίνος Δ.
2024An arena of angry minds?: uncovering hidden connections: conspiracy theories, populism and democratic supportΠαπαϊωάννου, Κωνσταντίνος-Ιάσων Χ.
2001Argumentative writing and computers in an EFL environment: the greek paradigmΑντωνίου, Λήδα Δ.
2006{L' } arterite a travers le roman francophone Grec du XXe siecleΑντωνιάδου, Ολυμπία Γ.
2018Artificial intelligence methods for the management of electric vehicles in the smart gridΡήγας, Εμμανουήλ Σ.
2013Aspects du couple le theatre du XXe siecleΝούλη, Σμαράγδα Α.
2019Aspects of metric affine gravity with torsion and non - metricityΙωσηφίδης, Δαμιανός Ν.
2020Aspects of prosodic structure in Greek Sing LanguageΒασιλάκη, Κυριακή Π.
2007Assessing the decay agents of wall paintings in Al Qurna and Wadi el Natrun regions - EgyptMoussa, Abu Bakr Mohamed A.
2008An assessment of efficiency of crop farming in BangladeshAnwar, Md Mazharul Md. R.
2016An assessment of explicit and implicit instruction in the context of the interface debateΛυσίκατος, Δημήτριος Σ.
2024Assessment of information truthlikeliness and authenticityΚαρανταΐδης, Γεώργιος Δ.
2022Assessment of soil quality indicators using novel Earth observation technologies and computational intelligence methodologiesΤζιόλας, Νικόλαος Β.
2018Assessment of technologies to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of modern passenger cars in real - world driving conditionsΤριανταφυλλόπουλος, Γεώργιος Κ.
2023Assessment of the level of metacognitive processes in mild cognitive impairment and intervention for their enhancement via a randomized controlled trialΜπάμπα, Γρηγορία Κ.
2018Assessment of the solar energy potential in Greece using ground-based measurements, satellite observations and numerical simulations of radiative transfer modelsΚοσμόπουλος, Παναγιώτης-Νεκτάριος Γ.
2024Association of SUMF1, IREB2, FKBP5 and GLCCΙ1 gene polymorphisms with clinical phenotype, disease progression, and response to glucocorticoid treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseΝτέντη, Χαρίκλεια Α. 
2020Atmospheric dispersion of particles and their chemical and mineralogical analysis in the greater area of ThessalonikiΚόλλιας, Παναγιώτης Σ.
2016Atomic scale structural modelling of technology materials via computational analysis methodsΠαυλούδης, Θεόδωρος Κ.
2017Attitudes towards english as a lingua franca in greek tertiary educational contextsΦαλτζή, Ρωξάνη Ι.